Woodworking glossary | popular woodworking magazine, Buildup (n) â€" a piece of wood added to an existing edge to make it thicker. bullnose (v) â€" to mill an edge to a half-round, convex shape. burl (n) â€" a highly figured outgrowth on a tree, valued for turning and figured veneers. burr (n) â€" a wire-like edge formed on a blade as a result of sharpening. butt joint (n) â€" a very basic woodworking joint..
Joiner - wikipedia, A joiner is an artisan who builds things by joining pieces of wood, particularly lighter and more ornamental work than that done by a carpenter, including furniture and the "fittings" of a house, ship, etc. joiners may work in a workshop, because the formation of various joints is made easier by the use of non-portable, powered machinery, or on j ob site..
Donkey | definition of donkey at dictionary.com, Donkey definition, the domestic ass, equus asinus. see more..
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